Monday, October 1, 2007


Why? How? When? Where? What? If these things are asked to oneself before reacting to the situation, I guess, it would be easier to conquer anger. But thas the not the way all think, Thats not the way all work, and live and behave, I set out, do be different, and have no regrets for beig like this. Moreover, life has go more to it than mere anger.

Coming back to the five questions. I ask Why should i get angry, will it be good, will it make things worse or better, and i guage the situation accordingly. How did this situation arise? By thinking this way, it makes me analyze the reasons, the causes for the situation thats making me angry, I always have a 5 point approach to control any kind of anger. I just ask myself five questions. I will have answers, and by the time I think of these things and am trying to analyze, my anger would have vanished. But, this is not the way it sounds like. Lot of effort and pain should be withstood in this case.

Anger.. What does this mean? Why does a person react with so much of hateredness? I have been trying to understand this part of human emoiton. I do agree that with-holding the anger in one's heart gives birth to hate and when ignored, this hate can never be put off. But, on the contrary, the way i think, if we just leave the situation aside and let bygones be bygones.

But sometimes, when the anger is out of control and you know that you cant control it and vent it out, you tend to say things, which are definite to hurt the other person. May be thats the reason that I never get angry and shout or yell or beat the other person. Sometimes, when you are angry, you would say "Who are you to do it?" or may be "Why the hell do you do this?" or even worse "You dont even care for me' or anything else.

These are very hurting statements, especially if you are on the other side. Be it a gal or a guy, its the same emotion. I mean, imagine this. You have always been taking care of a person, did everything that you could possibly do, to ensure that the other person is happy. But one moment, one situation, which leads the person into anger, makes them say either of the above sentences. Its as though the whole world came crashing down on you and u are literally shattered. Not into one, or two or tens of thousands, but to innumerable pieces. Its so hard to recover from that. Moreover. the words once spoken and are out from the mouth, can never be taken back and the damage that is caused by saying things can never be renovated.

One thing is for sure. Anger ruins relations. It is like a virus that slowly infects an immune system. An infection that would lead into a dreadly disease.. A pain, that can nevre be relieved from. A cause of barrier in the flow of thought. And every possible negative emotion or attitude that you can possibly imagine of.

When I think of these things, only one thing comes in my mind. Let bygones be bygones. I carry on with life, for the moments of pleasure have passed and yet another journey begins.

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