Monday, October 15, 2007


The subject of Fun is one of the most serious topics we can discuss. One of the greatest achievements of my lifetime has been the maintenance of the capacity for fun from early childhood. Another has been coming to an understanding of what Fun is. And so, Fun is the cornerstone of my life, and the foundation of everything I do.

I know that I am sometimes perceived as a serious dude, talking about Principles and other not-so-fun topics, but when you know what Fun is, then you will see why even serious, or thought inducing, weighty matters can be Fun. I want to talk about this subject because it is vital to making progress as a person.. In fact, you cannot MAKE any progress as a guitarist, unless you know how to have Fun. We "play" the guitar. You cannot "play" if you don't know how to have fun. It's true that "practice" sometimes seems like "work", but you will see that work is not the opposite of play, or the opposite of fun. Work can, and should, be Fun.

Now, Fun is a funny thing. For some people, going out dancing and drinking all night is fun. For others, that would be torture, but sitting quietly and reading a book on philosophy is Fun. For some people, jamming on the electric guitar for hours is fun, for others, sitting with a metronome for an hour of disciplined practice is Fun (and yes, the same person may find each of these things to be Fun at different times). For some people, having to solve difficult problems requiring great thought is Fun, and for another, it is nothing but a headache. So, what is going on here?

The fact is that anything can be Fun for some person or the other. However, the particular things that we find to be Fun say everything about who we are as people, and what our level of personal development is. However, there is one common denominator that is always present when a person says "this is fun". That common denominator is "creative enjoyment". Fun is creative enjoyment. Einstein working out the theory of relativity, or Michael Jordan shooting a basket; both are having Fun. Both are "creatively enjoying". As long as this quality is present, ANYTHING can be fun. Without this quality, NOTHING is fun.

What is "creative enjoyment"? Well, "creative" is almost self-explanatory. It is basically bringing something new into the world. It could be a dinner, an idea, a blanket, a building, whatever. Whatever is being created, it involves bringing something "out" of yourself, and giving it some kind of form on the outside. How you are going to have fun in you being creative is upto the individuality of ther person.

For me FUN never ceases to exist. Its an everlastingly ongoing process.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

A thousand verses

My dry tears speak
A thousand verses
With meaning so deep
That you can’t read

The tale of a longing heart
The tale of a nonviolent war
The tale of a haunting past
The tale of a tormenting present
The tale of a hopeful future

The tale engraved
In the wall of my heart
With my blood and breath
The heart just weeps
As the blood seeps

And my dry tears speak
A thousand verses
With meaning so deep
That you can’t read

Silent whispers

Silent whispers of the serene beach
Surging waves gripped my feet
Buried it in a layer of sand
Drilling deep crossing the barrier of time
I was lost in an enthralling miasma
An unexpected call from the dormant past
A blended recipe of the sweet and sour
The sand ebbed away leaving some granules
Depicting the eternal sweet reminiscence
Flashing the future in those distant waves
Though gigantic, some holding false promises
Some elfin waves rose reaching the shore
Wobbly like the future in store
The footprints made on the seashore
Are the imprints made in life
Those silent whispers echoed again and again
Teaching me the lessons of life.....

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Love vs Infatuation

What, then, is the elusive thing called "Love" that everyone so desperately needs? Sometimes, we sort of like this girl because she is beautiful? Or the girl likes him because he is handsome? But this kind of "Cinderella Syndrome" when the girl is waiting on her Prince Charming, is not real love. It is better known as ""Infatuation", and there is a vast difference between it and real love. I thought about it a lot, and have somehow managed few smal things, which might give u results in a big manner. Find out if you are really in love and not just infatuated.


Infatuation is a feeling; real love involves a commitment also. Infatuation is just love of emotion. Real love though, is love of devotion. Only the emotions are affected in infatuation, but in real love both the Emotions and the Will are involved.

Next, a person "fall into" infatuation, but "grows into" real love. Gentlemen, have you ever seen a girl who was so beautiful that you thought you'd faint? This is infatuation. It is based totally on physical attraction; Often you don't know much in-depth about the person you so-called love. Thus infatuation is mostly biological.

Also remember, never tell a woman you love her, unless you are willing to marry her. Then, infatuation is basically selfish where real love is basically selfless. Infatuation is more interested in satisfying yourself and your "feelings" than it is in the other person.

Real love is primarily interested in the other person. It seeks to give instead of get. Love unselfishly seeks the highest good for the other person.

Lastly, infatuation is weakened by time and separation where real love is strengthened by time and separation. This does not mean that there will be no pain in separation. On the contrary, there is great pain in separation if you are truly in love.

Now you understand what is infatuation, let us now go on to discuss about Love.
1. Love is Patient: The word translated "patient" means to wait patiently for the fulfillment of expectations. When you have difficulty dating this girl and she does not want to come out of her shell, if you truly love her, you will not complain and blame her, you must look at the situation from her point of view – maybe she is having some problems which prevented her from coming out. You must react to it with patience and understanding.

Have you ever met someone you liked so much that you wanted to push the relationship and make it progress faster? Sure you have! Love, however, Love is willing to give the relationship time to grow at a natural pace. It does not push but is willing to wait for the relationship to grow at a rate that is satisfactory to both parties.

2. Love is Kind: Love seeks to encourage and build up on others. It respects the feelings and emotions of others. It finds its greatest satisfaction in making others happy, i.e. Compliment one another, magnify the other's strength, Listen to one another. Pay close attention to what each of you has to say and make each other feel that what each says is important, etc.
3. Love is not Jealous: Jealousy usually indicates an insecure and immature heart. Love wants the best for others, but jealousy is possessive. Jealous is reflected in the childish statement, "If he is going to talk to her, then he can just forget about me!" Often, one person wants to totally possess the other and to restrict her relationships with others.

4. Love is not to Brag: Love is not a windbag and is not anxious to impress. Often, a guy will brag to a girl, trying to impress her so that she will like him. A truly great person, however, does not need to exalt himself. Others will exalt him.

5. Love is not Arrogant: Love is not conceited, boastful, cocky or stuck up. Love, instead, is humble and has a servant attitude . Sometimes, a guy may come across to a girl with an "I can take you or leave you" attitude. His demeanor implies, "You ought to be thankful that somebody as neat as me is dating you". Of course this is not love.

6. Love always Covers: This word cover means to pass over in silence, to keep confidential. Love is patient with faults of others. It doesn't criticize or broadcast to the world the faults of others. Love is present even when it knows the other is not perfect.
7. Love always Perseveres: Love always stands its ground and holds out . It will outlast anything. It will even love on the face of unreturned love. Real love will last through all sorts of trials, tribulations and stresses.

8. Love is not Provoked: This means that love has a long fuse. It does not become irritated and angry. It is not easily offended. Love does not seek its own. This is the heart of love. Love is other-centered not self-centered. Love says, "I love you, I want to give you." Selfishness says, "I love you, I want you!"

9. Love does not act Unbecomingly: This means that love does not behave disgracefully, dishonorably, or indecently. It does not embarrass others by its actions. It is characterized by tact and sensitivity. This also means that love should have good manners. Be sure to do little things like opening doors for your girl or offering her your arm when you walk together.

10. Love is Forgiving: Lastly, this is a MUST for a successful love story. If a guy is not willing to forgive and forget when his girlfriend is only an hour late, he is not exhibiting love. Love doesn't hold grudges when it has been wronged. It doesn't remain resentful.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Another Poem

With hair like silk
And lips so tender,
Each moment with you
Makes my heart surrender

I couldn't live, I couldn't breathe
Without you by my side,
Never will I let you go,
My love will never hide

And in my heart you'll always be
From now until forever,
No matter what, no matter where
I wish we could have always been together

True Love: Its very ambiguous

I have always wondered about what a true love is. is it in giving more reaher then expecting to recieve? Is it more about sacrificing the dreams, desire, ambition, wishes? or is it a resonance of physical attraction or that of the bonding between two souls? I was and am still wondering about it.

Sometimes I feel that true love is mere a mirage and it never really exists. Sometimes I really feel that may be, there never existed a concept of true love. The phrase itself is strange. for it has pain, sufferings, vulnerabilities, depression, every negative emotion associated with it. And these emotions come into play only when the true love fails. But.. is it the love that is failing or is it the effort or is it the person? Which one?

For me, true love is a soul's recognition of its counterpart in another. And once that happens, I guess, there is no turning back. For once that happens, a relation begins, which would be parasitic of every other relation. This takes priority and everything just ceases to exist. You tend to be with your counterpart, and all that had happened when he/she was there, all those things, those memories, all that fun, all those people, everyone, everything, takes a secondary priority in life.

Now, one thing i do not understand here is the fact that true love plays in one's life. There is no doubt about the fact that it is a boon to the person. But on the contrary, it is a curse for those associated in the person's life. My intention here is not to let you all conclude that true love is bad. It is required for it makes feel that a person is secure. In the kind of world that we all live now, feeling secure is the most important thing. It can make us go places, if and only iff the person who makes you feel you are secure is with you. Now thats expecting a lot from that person.

The only thought that was going in my mind while i wrote this very post is the fact that i have gone through wat is written above. And I have decided, that this just aint right. I dont think that anyone would need an education to be in love. As one of my friend said, its a matter of feelings. The word I have just begun to hate.

For me, true love happens only once in life. Whatever happens next, is just a compromising phenomenon between two bodies to live the rest of the life together hoping to be happy and secure and eventually die.


Why? How? When? Where? What? If these things are asked to oneself before reacting to the situation, I guess, it would be easier to conquer anger. But thas the not the way all think, Thats not the way all work, and live and behave, I set out, do be different, and have no regrets for beig like this. Moreover, life has go more to it than mere anger.

Coming back to the five questions. I ask Why should i get angry, will it be good, will it make things worse or better, and i guage the situation accordingly. How did this situation arise? By thinking this way, it makes me analyze the reasons, the causes for the situation thats making me angry, I always have a 5 point approach to control any kind of anger. I just ask myself five questions. I will have answers, and by the time I think of these things and am trying to analyze, my anger would have vanished. But, this is not the way it sounds like. Lot of effort and pain should be withstood in this case.

Anger.. What does this mean? Why does a person react with so much of hateredness? I have been trying to understand this part of human emoiton. I do agree that with-holding the anger in one's heart gives birth to hate and when ignored, this hate can never be put off. But, on the contrary, the way i think, if we just leave the situation aside and let bygones be bygones.

But sometimes, when the anger is out of control and you know that you cant control it and vent it out, you tend to say things, which are definite to hurt the other person. May be thats the reason that I never get angry and shout or yell or beat the other person. Sometimes, when you are angry, you would say "Who are you to do it?" or may be "Why the hell do you do this?" or even worse "You dont even care for me' or anything else.

These are very hurting statements, especially if you are on the other side. Be it a gal or a guy, its the same emotion. I mean, imagine this. You have always been taking care of a person, did everything that you could possibly do, to ensure that the other person is happy. But one moment, one situation, which leads the person into anger, makes them say either of the above sentences. Its as though the whole world came crashing down on you and u are literally shattered. Not into one, or two or tens of thousands, but to innumerable pieces. Its so hard to recover from that. Moreover. the words once spoken and are out from the mouth, can never be taken back and the damage that is caused by saying things can never be renovated.

One thing is for sure. Anger ruins relations. It is like a virus that slowly infects an immune system. An infection that would lead into a dreadly disease.. A pain, that can nevre be relieved from. A cause of barrier in the flow of thought. And every possible negative emotion or attitude that you can possibly imagine of.

When I think of these things, only one thing comes in my mind. Let bygones be bygones. I carry on with life, for the moments of pleasure have passed and yet another journey begins.