Thursday, January 3, 2008

Chance versus Luck

When people achieve great success faster than others, they are immediately accussed of having good luck. If peple make a mess of their lives, largely due to their own shortcomings, they dismiss it as bad luck. All of life is like a casino. Some have had success in gaming tables of life, and some not. Most people, including me for many years, never understood the difference between Chance and Luck.

When i checked on it, I was surprised. It was quite eveident that I was surprised. Chance refers to gambling, to casinos, to blackjack,poker, slot mahcines, and horse racing. In games of chance, the outcome is totally and completely out of control for the player. There is little or no influnece on the result by th player. The level of risk is so high that the chance of winning it over a ong period of time is almost zero.

But, Luck is different, totally different. it is like the probabilities in action. Whever you see a person who has succeeded greatly, you would definitely notice a series or a chain of events that have happened in the past to achieve a particular outcome. The lucky person, for sure, did many things in combination, which staggeringly increased the likelihood that his or her desired goal could be achieved.

All problems appear very simple when solved. The great victorry of present was th result of a series of small victorie that went unnoticed.

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