Everytime there is an interaction which would nurture further interactions, I guess, a birth of a relation takes place. Be it any kind. But one begins to exist. And this would eventually superseed every other possibilities or cease to exist itself. Its all a matter how how it is handled in the initial stages so that, this new ineraction (or rather say, relation) sustains itself.
I aint writing this blog to be very philosophical or even the least, appear to be one, Its just that I am sharing what I have learnt from my past relations. Hoping that may be, this blog would reach out to many out there who would have undergone similar circumstances.
Some relations are a mere Hi-Bye kind. Some are beyond the resonance of two souls. I always wonder how that happens. I do agree that a Homo Sapien is a social animal. Do we have a doubt? I mean, being called as social animal in no way means to be able to attend various night outs, parties, weddings, funerals. No. They are just venues of different kind of interactions.
Relation according to various dictionaries mean an existing connection; a significant association between or among things. I am wondering as to how this connection takes place, and on what basis does this take place.
Interesting isnt it? Very much intriguing as well. For a youngster, a relation is all that he can think of being with a gal. For a working person, its about how he deals with his colleagues on a day to day basis. For a married individual ( I wonder why people marry, I guess, I should be writing a post on it.. lol) its all about how he/she can handle things at home. I mean, are there any better ways of expressing things in a so called relation?
This is the main reason for me to write on something that is so f***ing trivial. Things have been good enough, for they were made to be in such a way. Every interaction I ever had with anyone, be it guy/gay/otherwise, the only thing that was consistent in my mind was to keep the other person happy.I mean to say, If you dont tend to keep the other person happy, do you think he/she would inturn want to see you happy?
This is where I think, I can come to a virtual conclusion. A conclusion which would lead to a new beginning. Essence of any relation is a necessary hope of an individual to be wanted, noticed, to have enough attention, to be happy. Its like interdependance. Like a plover bird depends on crocodile for its food. Strange but true, This is the very reason a human is called as a Social Animal.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Justice Undone
I guess, I might appear very sarcastic and yet at times very emotional. May be I might not sound fair to my past, May be all of you wil think that I am being too harsh on What i have gone through.,
As a person, as a normal person, I have given life the best I could give it. And in return it gave me worst. At times, it did give me a glimmer of hope. Every difficulty that a person faces, be it of any kind, gives rise to hope. And this hope comes with a string attached to it. Every hope leads to a dream, which now depends on the individuality of a person to either fulfill it, or to forfeit it.
I guess, even i have come across these situations. Some which just shook me off my feet and the ground just tore apart. Some just made the entire sky fall down crashing on me, Some even threw nuclear bombs at me. me aint a Superman to fly, or a spider man to escape. I am just a normal human being. And hence, i did what I could. Just wait. Waited patiently, for time to calm the things down. I did give priority for things that needed my primary attention. I know that every one would have done the same. I aint a saddist or a psychopast to cut my veins or burn my wrists for the pain and suffering that I have gone through. Its a trait of a coward to do so,
There have been times when I have asked the one that stays in the clouds, to let me have my share of happiness. I mean, at some point of time, even the most selfless person tends to be selfish. Especially during the testing times of his/her life. And I guess, I am a human too. I asked for the same. That is when i was made to realise that I have enuf frens to clear the burden down.
But somewhere, along the road of my life, there were few stones that were left unturned. These are my primary focus for the rest of the journey ahead. I mean, every situation that brings in difficulties, also teaches some lessons to learn, And I have learnt them. So what If I dint not get the peace of mind at home, so what if i dint find true love, so what if my work life is not letting me have pancakes and is giving me peanuts? So What? There is this tremendous patience in me, which I count on, all the time. I can wait. I can surely wait. For someday, Justice will be done and the weight will be same on both the sides. Until then, until than time wherein there would be a silver lining for the dark clouds hovering over my life now will happen, Until then, it is Justice Undone.
As a person, as a normal person, I have given life the best I could give it. And in return it gave me worst. At times, it did give me a glimmer of hope. Every difficulty that a person faces, be it of any kind, gives rise to hope. And this hope comes with a string attached to it. Every hope leads to a dream, which now depends on the individuality of a person to either fulfill it, or to forfeit it.
I guess, even i have come across these situations. Some which just shook me off my feet and the ground just tore apart. Some just made the entire sky fall down crashing on me, Some even threw nuclear bombs at me. me aint a Superman to fly, or a spider man to escape. I am just a normal human being. And hence, i did what I could. Just wait. Waited patiently, for time to calm the things down. I did give priority for things that needed my primary attention. I know that every one would have done the same. I aint a saddist or a psychopast to cut my veins or burn my wrists for the pain and suffering that I have gone through. Its a trait of a coward to do so,
There have been times when I have asked the one that stays in the clouds, to let me have my share of happiness. I mean, at some point of time, even the most selfless person tends to be selfish. Especially during the testing times of his/her life. And I guess, I am a human too. I asked for the same. That is when i was made to realise that I have enuf frens to clear the burden down.
But somewhere, along the road of my life, there were few stones that were left unturned. These are my primary focus for the rest of the journey ahead. I mean, every situation that brings in difficulties, also teaches some lessons to learn, And I have learnt them. So what If I dint not get the peace of mind at home, so what if i dint find true love, so what if my work life is not letting me have pancakes and is giving me peanuts? So What? There is this tremendous patience in me, which I count on, all the time. I can wait. I can surely wait. For someday, Justice will be done and the weight will be same on both the sides. Until then, until than time wherein there would be a silver lining for the dark clouds hovering over my life now will happen, Until then, it is Justice Undone.
Long waited....
Don't let me stare into those eyez,
I might get lost b4 I realize,
There's so much to talk
But we never even sit, worse still never even walk,
We should go to a place that isn't so loud,
May be we should ride a cloud,
Melt our thoughts, fall down like snowflake,
This life i know we both hate,
Who else is there for me to talk to,
When you are with me, tell me who's there to stop you
I guess, the poetic part of my life was quite untouched and I think its time to get back to where I belong and the place where I can give my best. This one is dedicated to the one whom I love so much. I guess, its just not enough. Someday I guess the weight would be equal on both the sides.
I might get lost b4 I realize,
There's so much to talk
But we never even sit, worse still never even walk,
We should go to a place that isn't so loud,
May be we should ride a cloud,
Melt our thoughts, fall down like snowflake,
This life i know we both hate,
Who else is there for me to talk to,
When you are with me, tell me who's there to stop you
I guess, the poetic part of my life was quite untouched and I think its time to get back to where I belong and the place where I can give my best. This one is dedicated to the one whom I love so much. I guess, its just not enough. Someday I guess the weight would be equal on both the sides.
Expectations: Great deal of Gamble
"Why do you expect so much from your friends? Dont you think that this will just ruin your relation with one and all? I hope you have foreseen what expecting a lot from others can bring you. For everything there is a limit, and I believe that this is for expecting from others as well."
Dont you ponder much over it. This aint a dialogue from a movie or a famous quote from a novel. This is what I have been seeing happening to various people in real life, and so many strings are attached to this, its merely impossible to cut this one out. Many have tried it, many have faced it, many have been trying to over come it. Some have over come it, and some have given up hopes of overcoming it. Question remains the same. Why would someone expect so much?
I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. A lot of time has been spent in analysing the causes that leed to such a situation in anyone's life. Why take anyone else's life, take my own. I tried to think of various such incidents due to which I have lost gem of friends from my life. Some of them who can never return. I thought I was not touched by the curse of expecting a lot. But now, it seems to have returned. I am losing one such friend again.
Usually, for anyone, to expect a lot from someone, atleast one of the following should (or rather say, might) play a role;
1. The preson is the one whom he/she loves a lot. This would lead to expecting the other person to always be there. A lot of expectations build up. If the other person fails to live upto the mark, tendencies for the relation to break are much easier.
2. A very good friend whom you count a lot on. This would also result in circumstances as mentioned above.,
3. High career hopes, true value for the amount of work you do, a reward for being honest, or for delivering results as and when required and various other reasons which when listed, thousands of blogs would not be enough. I am sure you would agree with this.
In general, its the necessary hope that one has, that he or she needs to be wanted, the way they want to be wanted. If this were to happen everytime, there would be no concept of expecting. If there were no concept of expecting, there would be no struggle for giving out the best. As I said earlier, This comes up with lot many strings attached, it has become very intertwined.
Time has finally arrived. I have analysed various possible causes. Its good to be wanted, but its worse to be wanted that all the time. I guess, its better to maintain a low profile in expecting, rather than getting disappointed by expecting a lot.
"Satisfy the person who expects from you rather than surprising the person who never expected anything from you."
Dont you ponder much over it. This aint a dialogue from a movie or a famous quote from a novel. This is what I have been seeing happening to various people in real life, and so many strings are attached to this, its merely impossible to cut this one out. Many have tried it, many have faced it, many have been trying to over come it. Some have over come it, and some have given up hopes of overcoming it. Question remains the same. Why would someone expect so much?
I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. A lot of time has been spent in analysing the causes that leed to such a situation in anyone's life. Why take anyone else's life, take my own. I tried to think of various such incidents due to which I have lost gem of friends from my life. Some of them who can never return. I thought I was not touched by the curse of expecting a lot. But now, it seems to have returned. I am losing one such friend again.
Usually, for anyone, to expect a lot from someone, atleast one of the following should (or rather say, might) play a role;
1. The preson is the one whom he/she loves a lot. This would lead to expecting the other person to always be there. A lot of expectations build up. If the other person fails to live upto the mark, tendencies for the relation to break are much easier.
2. A very good friend whom you count a lot on. This would also result in circumstances as mentioned above.,
3. High career hopes, true value for the amount of work you do, a reward for being honest, or for delivering results as and when required and various other reasons which when listed, thousands of blogs would not be enough. I am sure you would agree with this.
In general, its the necessary hope that one has, that he or she needs to be wanted, the way they want to be wanted. If this were to happen everytime, there would be no concept of expecting. If there were no concept of expecting, there would be no struggle for giving out the best. As I said earlier, This comes up with lot many strings attached, it has become very intertwined.
Time has finally arrived. I have analysed various possible causes. Its good to be wanted, but its worse to be wanted that all the time. I guess, its better to maintain a low profile in expecting, rather than getting disappointed by expecting a lot.
"Satisfy the person who expects from you rather than surprising the person who never expected anything from you."
Monday, September 17, 2007
Monstrous Mondays
Since my college life, I have always wondered as to what is Monday all about and why do all working homo sapiens get so much stressed about it. I have always wanted to experience such a thing. i was always curious to know as to what is the stressing factor and what makes people feel that monday is the most worst day of the week.
It been 2 years now. Two years of my working life. I think I very much know the meaning of a monstrous monday.
What began as a roller coster ride of work life, has suddenly turned into a very gruelling and tiresome journey.
Monday. Everyone hates it. It represents a very hectic day. All the fun filled activities done on weekend get forgotten and people are busy again. I think its the fact that work just gets piled up on weekends and we dont realise ntil it hits us back on monday.
Take for example a monday like today. No productive work done, no fun, no motivation. But just a consolation feeling that it is a part of this week and this month and would eventually pass by as a memory. I have seen so many colleagues slogging their ass out, and for them, time is just flying, I have moved into a new role, and have no clue how to spend the day.
I am hoping that mondays would again be as hectic as they used to be. But the essence would remain the same. I hate mondays!!!!!
It been 2 years now. Two years of my working life. I think I very much know the meaning of a monstrous monday.
What began as a roller coster ride of work life, has suddenly turned into a very gruelling and tiresome journey.
Monday. Everyone hates it. It represents a very hectic day. All the fun filled activities done on weekend get forgotten and people are busy again. I think its the fact that work just gets piled up on weekends and we dont realise ntil it hits us back on monday.
Take for example a monday like today. No productive work done, no fun, no motivation. But just a consolation feeling that it is a part of this week and this month and would eventually pass by as a memory. I have seen so many colleagues slogging their ass out, and for them, time is just flying, I have moved into a new role, and have no clue how to spend the day.
I am hoping that mondays would again be as hectic as they used to be. But the essence would remain the same. I hate mondays!!!!!
15 September 2007
Today began in a very unique way. Got up at a unique time. Thanks to loud and annoying music which was being played due to the festival.
Festival, i wonder who invented them, strange recreation time for every soul. Strange myths, strange rituals, strange clothes, every thing strange. I am glad that i do not believe in god. I dont have to be part of these mind bogging stuff.
I choose to meet a fren of mine, accompanied with another common fren. Though we had planned to meet at 2pm, i reached the place at 1pm. I just wanted to get rid of the place where there was too much of noise.
I went to Coffee Day. It was very much deserted at 1pm. I was not surprised. I mean, who would come to a coffee day on saturday afternoon at 1pm? The people were kinda shocked to see me there, may be they were not expecting anyone at that time. I was craving for something really motivating and something that would set a kinda tone and rythm for the day ahead. I was kinda hard to figure out what i needed and as I was already craving for something strong, I chose Irish coffee.. It tasted different this time. Along with my pack of cigs, and the cup of coffee, I spent an hour on cal with my fren..
And finally when the ladies arrived, as always, they can never be punctual (a personality trait from the planet Venus!!!). They came at 1430. We had chosen Sigma Mall, Cunningham road to spend time. It was kinda nice place, I guess, no one is aware of the mall, unlike the Forum or the Garuda mall.
To be what i always am is normal. But to pretend who I am not, is very difficult thing to do. Especially, when the one you loved is sitting across the table and you just cannot take your eyes off her. I know what I was going through. I chose not to vent my emotions out, for they had no value anymore. It is at this time I realised a new facet to my personality. I had the ability to resent my own emotions. I could have told my own feelings, But i hate that word. Feeling. What a stupid word that is, I just hate it.
We were there for a long time, for the place was calm, serene and good. No crowd, no worries. We spoke about so many things, starting from career, office, personal life, future plans, clothes, movies, and than the gal took out a bunch of papers, stapled together. That was a photo copy of few pages from the book Love signs from Linda Goodman. I was the scapegoat at that moment. They started reading about Piscean Man.
This just set the rythm for future conversations and jigsaw puzzle just started to fall in place. I was wondering as to how can someone analyse and write about the personality traits of various zodiac signs. It was whopping 99.99% true. Now that surprised me. We had a lot of arguements, debate was going on. I t was literal fun.
So many things happened and the final moment came when i had to say good bye, the difficult one. But, we had a life to live on, and things just pass on. Day ended on a fine note, but evening was there to be taken care off. I have somehow managed to do that. Hoping that week ahead would be a great one.
Festival, i wonder who invented them, strange recreation time for every soul. Strange myths, strange rituals, strange clothes, every thing strange. I am glad that i do not believe in god. I dont have to be part of these mind bogging stuff.
I choose to meet a fren of mine, accompanied with another common fren. Though we had planned to meet at 2pm, i reached the place at 1pm. I just wanted to get rid of the place where there was too much of noise.
I went to Coffee Day. It was very much deserted at 1pm. I was not surprised. I mean, who would come to a coffee day on saturday afternoon at 1pm? The people were kinda shocked to see me there, may be they were not expecting anyone at that time. I was craving for something really motivating and something that would set a kinda tone and rythm for the day ahead. I was kinda hard to figure out what i needed and as I was already craving for something strong, I chose Irish coffee.. It tasted different this time. Along with my pack of cigs, and the cup of coffee, I spent an hour on cal with my fren..
And finally when the ladies arrived, as always, they can never be punctual (a personality trait from the planet Venus!!!). They came at 1430. We had chosen Sigma Mall, Cunningham road to spend time. It was kinda nice place, I guess, no one is aware of the mall, unlike the Forum or the Garuda mall.
To be what i always am is normal. But to pretend who I am not, is very difficult thing to do. Especially, when the one you loved is sitting across the table and you just cannot take your eyes off her. I know what I was going through. I chose not to vent my emotions out, for they had no value anymore. It is at this time I realised a new facet to my personality. I had the ability to resent my own emotions. I could have told my own feelings, But i hate that word. Feeling. What a stupid word that is, I just hate it.
We were there for a long time, for the place was calm, serene and good. No crowd, no worries. We spoke about so many things, starting from career, office, personal life, future plans, clothes, movies, and than the gal took out a bunch of papers, stapled together. That was a photo copy of few pages from the book Love signs from Linda Goodman. I was the scapegoat at that moment. They started reading about Piscean Man.
This just set the rythm for future conversations and jigsaw puzzle just started to fall in place. I was wondering as to how can someone analyse and write about the personality traits of various zodiac signs. It was whopping 99.99% true. Now that surprised me. We had a lot of arguements, debate was going on. I t was literal fun.
So many things happened and the final moment came when i had to say good bye, the difficult one. But, we had a life to live on, and things just pass on. Day ended on a fine note, but evening was there to be taken care off. I have somehow managed to do that. Hoping that week ahead would be a great one.
Cockroaches - They are everywhere!!!
Cockroaches, what a creature they are. Every time, I think about them, I begin to realise the need for their very survival over thousand's of years.
Be it homes, offices, or anywhere else. They are literally everywhere. They have a very unique body. I am not sure who it was, but whoever it was, has placed their name under the right taxonomy. They have a very unique way of survival and very shrewd nature. Very shy, very cowardish and funny nature.
I have seen them so many times, that I have begun to feel that I am living among cockroaches. When I say "I have begun to see them everywhere", I mean that people who exhibit the nature of a cockroach.
Its amazing thing as to the way a human adopts the thinking of an animal. Some attain the courage of an eagle, some attain the patience of a tortaise, some attain the hard working nature of an ant, while some attain the laziness of a snail!! But why a cockroach? There are much better animals wherein a human can learn from and apply the same in their daily lives.
I have been thinking a lot about it over the past week. I have come to a conclusion. Even a human has a feeling to survive under extreme conditions, (not high temperature, or under severe snow fall, neither in deserts nor in rains). These conditions pertain to life. Overcome situations that need them to survive difficult n down times. be it financial insecuritites, career growth, personal life, social status, you name it and it is.
I have been working in IBM for last 20 months, and I have seen enough number of cockroaches at work. Some are being like a cockroach for a pay hike, some forincentives, some for promotions, some for even better reasons.. These come in different sizes and shapes. Some are tall, some short, some dark, some fair. Some try not to let you know they are hypocrites, some just make you know they are. They cannot withstand someone else's success, for they are jealous of it. Some cockroaches,like those who want to take others' happiness and try to feel great about it. Some are female, some male.. Wats surprising is the matter of fact that some are neither of these.
Be it homes, offices, or anywhere else. They are literally everywhere. They have a very unique body. I am not sure who it was, but whoever it was, has placed their name under the right taxonomy. They have a very unique way of survival and very shrewd nature. Very shy, very cowardish and funny nature.
I have seen them so many times, that I have begun to feel that I am living among cockroaches. When I say "I have begun to see them everywhere", I mean that people who exhibit the nature of a cockroach.
Its amazing thing as to the way a human adopts the thinking of an animal. Some attain the courage of an eagle, some attain the patience of a tortaise, some attain the hard working nature of an ant, while some attain the laziness of a snail!! But why a cockroach? There are much better animals wherein a human can learn from and apply the same in their daily lives.
I have been thinking a lot about it over the past week. I have come to a conclusion. Even a human has a feeling to survive under extreme conditions, (not high temperature, or under severe snow fall, neither in deserts nor in rains). These conditions pertain to life. Overcome situations that need them to survive difficult n down times. be it financial insecuritites, career growth, personal life, social status, you name it and it is.
I have been working in IBM for last 20 months, and I have seen enough number of cockroaches at work. Some are being like a cockroach for a pay hike, some forincentives, some for promotions, some for even better reasons.. These come in different sizes and shapes. Some are tall, some short, some dark, some fair. Some try not to let you know they are hypocrites, some just make you know they are. They cannot withstand someone else's success, for they are jealous of it. Some cockroaches,like those who want to take others' happiness and try to feel great about it. Some are female, some male.. Wats surprising is the matter of fact that some are neither of these.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Rains.. Boon or Curse?
Nature.. All these days, it was giving fruits(rather say fulfilling wishes) in a very optimal way.. But off late, I think, Mother Nature has decided to show its wrath upon us.. in a very systematic and a very ruthless way..
What can be answered as miracle or prayers for the farmers, or may be those who have been experiencing sand dunes go haywire, i guess, it will not be taken in the same way by those who live in the concrete forests..
Look at the facts that Mother Nature has been letting us to deal with. Began with the great and consistent volcanoes in Hawaii islands.. Than came the disastrous Tsunami, which just made a mark or fear in every heart that lives in the costal region. Fear, wow, what a word. I guess, it is because of the very fact of a wish to live forever.
Than came the rains, with pains.. Back in biblical days(if at you know what I am talking about), God showed his wrath upon mankind for sins they had been doing and chose Noah as his man to protect few, who were righteous. But who would be that Noah in this modern world? Not me. People in cheerapunji are used to have a life in rain. But was mumbai used to it? No. Mumbai paid the price for it, and gave in to the wrath of nature. Same thing was expected to occur again. But this time, not sure where it was going to hit.
Garden city, IT city, Silicon Valley, City of excellent night life, on and on and on and on..... Hold on. These aint names / phrases from a novel or some boring auto bipgraphies. These are so called synonyms of Bangalore. I guess the next list to show some fury by Mother Nature. Every bangalorean experienced it.
The day was 13th September 2007. viz 13/09/2007.. I wsa having a very nice chat with a very good fren of mine and I happened to understand her..(achievement.. a guy finally understood a gal!!!!!) and I told her that it wil rain tonight.. Oh boy, it did.. We began seeing cats n dogs falling from the sky. Later, I guess, elephants up there decided to fall down as well. Was it a boon or a curse? wel,, Its upto your discretion to figure that out. This has been the unique nature of a Homo Sapien. If u get something, you crib, You get more of it, you crib. If you dont get what you want, you crib. Crib, Crib and Crib. If it does not rain, crib. If it rains crib. If days n nights are very hot, crib, if days n nights are cool, crib. Its just the mindset to crib.
Bangalore experienced water clogging every where. Be it highways, be it streets, be it houses, or shops. Walls collapsed, land slided. Rain just cripplied bangalore over the night. It was literally night mare for everyone. Sitting on the backseat of vehicle on my way back home, I notieced an expression of dissapoint on every one's face.
Those who wanted to get wet, get drenched in rain, went ahead. Dogs were swimming and people were gathered under various forms of shelter. What usualy takes 30 mins journey, took an astounding 3 hours, in order to reach home from work.
There is one thing that made bangaloreans realise. Bangalore may have so much of money, so much of talent, but it is definitely not prepared for nature's ruthless calamities.. It definitely is not.
What can be answered as miracle or prayers for the farmers, or may be those who have been experiencing sand dunes go haywire, i guess, it will not be taken in the same way by those who live in the concrete forests..
Look at the facts that Mother Nature has been letting us to deal with. Began with the great and consistent volcanoes in Hawaii islands.. Than came the disastrous Tsunami, which just made a mark or fear in every heart that lives in the costal region. Fear, wow, what a word. I guess, it is because of the very fact of a wish to live forever.
Than came the rains, with pains.. Back in biblical days(if at you know what I am talking about), God showed his wrath upon mankind for sins they had been doing and chose Noah as his man to protect few, who were righteous. But who would be that Noah in this modern world? Not me. People in cheerapunji are used to have a life in rain. But was mumbai used to it? No. Mumbai paid the price for it, and gave in to the wrath of nature. Same thing was expected to occur again. But this time, not sure where it was going to hit.
Garden city, IT city, Silicon Valley, City of excellent night life, on and on and on and on..... Hold on. These aint names / phrases from a novel or some boring auto bipgraphies. These are so called synonyms of Bangalore. I guess the next list to show some fury by Mother Nature. Every bangalorean experienced it.
The day was 13th September 2007. viz 13/09/2007.. I wsa having a very nice chat with a very good fren of mine and I happened to understand her..(achievement.. a guy finally understood a gal!!!!!) and I told her that it wil rain tonight.. Oh boy, it did.. We began seeing cats n dogs falling from the sky. Later, I guess, elephants up there decided to fall down as well. Was it a boon or a curse? wel,, Its upto your discretion to figure that out. This has been the unique nature of a Homo Sapien. If u get something, you crib, You get more of it, you crib. If you dont get what you want, you crib. Crib, Crib and Crib. If it does not rain, crib. If it rains crib. If days n nights are very hot, crib, if days n nights are cool, crib. Its just the mindset to crib.
Bangalore experienced water clogging every where. Be it highways, be it streets, be it houses, or shops. Walls collapsed, land slided. Rain just cripplied bangalore over the night. It was literally night mare for everyone. Sitting on the backseat of vehicle on my way back home, I notieced an expression of dissapoint on every one's face.
Those who wanted to get wet, get drenched in rain, went ahead. Dogs were swimming and people were gathered under various forms of shelter. What usualy takes 30 mins journey, took an astounding 3 hours, in order to reach home from work.
There is one thing that made bangaloreans realise. Bangalore may have so much of money, so much of talent, but it is definitely not prepared for nature's ruthless calamities.. It definitely is not.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Beginning of the End
Time.. Never could be, never is, and never will be stoppped. Its like sand in one's fist. The more you try to hold it, the more it tries to slip away. If you stop to worry about it being in your hand, it slips anyways. Strange it is though, yet we live. Though changes are inevitable, they still occur. Changes are those moments in the lifetime of TIME..
I was once walking past a garden. It was so colourful, so beautiful,, There were so many trees, shrubs and herbs too.. There was a fountain. A fountain of growth. There were various kind of animals. Some tall, some short. Some thin, some broad. Some used to grumble, some used to be happy in what they got. It were as though the garden was more of a Jungle. Very beautiful from outside, but once you got in, it was never ending.
Sometimes you could hear birds chirping, sometimes you could see butterflies flying and at times, you would see some vultures grumbling on all these happiness. In such a place, some people like me, got tempted and stepped in. They figured out the rules and were trying to know various rituals in the same place. These people adopted the environment. After spending enough time, they started adapting to the environment.. Lets say, it took few months for them to get used to it.
While these few months passed, something was changing.. Though it was noticed but not stressed upon, something was changing..
All those creatures, those animals, those butterflies, that charm in the garden started to reduce. I guess, this was happening because the gardener did not pay enough attention. Far beyond this garden, another gardener and various other gardeners, were sowing seeds for a good harvest. These animals in the garden realised that there were other gardeners who could take care of them in a much better way. And slowly, one by one, they started moving out.
This trend continued for some more months. Those beautiful huge trees, which were bearing so many fruits, started to fade away. Those beautiful shrubs started to shrink. It was as though a curse fell upon the place. The trees that were giving shelter, soon were turning into Oak trees. The shrubs, started to wear out and slowly thorns, dry thorns came into picture. There was greenery, but it was customized only to certain sections of the garden.
As i said, some animals and other creatures in the garden moved out, the people who came in stayed back. They had only one intention. Irrespect to what happens in the garden, they were there to fulfill their purpose. Their very reason to exist. Because, the reason was a value that they could add for all the time they spent in the garden(unfortunately, it no longer was..) They united, though they already were, teir thought somehow had not resonated over a certain period of time. But as you know, whenever there occurs or certain period comes, which might question survival, like minded people unite. Sometimes, even those who are not of the same thinking unite too. Same thing happened here as well. All these people united to fight back, they had a cause. I say, they HAD a cause.
Various things were done. I guess, the world is in such a situation, that honesty never gets its true value. No matter how honest you are, how true you are to yourself, sometimes, rather say most of the times, it is not enough. I am of the kind that believes in giving honesty its very value at every step. Because, at the end of the day, when I look at myself, I should respect myself. So will others. And so were others in the garden who came along with me.
Al these people never changed. Many a turbulent situations came along. Many disturbing moments. Many frustrating situations. But they never deterred. As a matter of fact, they became stronger.
Wait a minute. I guess this began as the story about the garden, But its slowly telling us about the people who survived various tormenting situations. Was this the same garden which once tempted people to get in and be happy in it? Was it the same place that once saw various animals, birds, butterflies, a fountain of growth? Was this the same place which gave shelter and had a good gardener? Why did the garden change so much in such short time? Why did those few people never change and became stronger and are being respected so much?
Well, I guess the answer lies in TIME and the CHANGES it brought in. Only time can tell us what happens to the garden for the changes it is bringing in are vast, abrupt, disastrous. Most importantly, It is bringing in the best out of those few people. This is making them realise of what they are really capable of. Time will only unfold itself. All I can think of, as of now is, WAIT. Just wait. Wait to see the end as we have seen the BEGINNING OF THE END of a wonderful garden.....
I was once walking past a garden. It was so colourful, so beautiful,, There were so many trees, shrubs and herbs too.. There was a fountain. A fountain of growth. There were various kind of animals. Some tall, some short. Some thin, some broad. Some used to grumble, some used to be happy in what they got. It were as though the garden was more of a Jungle. Very beautiful from outside, but once you got in, it was never ending.
Sometimes you could hear birds chirping, sometimes you could see butterflies flying and at times, you would see some vultures grumbling on all these happiness. In such a place, some people like me, got tempted and stepped in. They figured out the rules and were trying to know various rituals in the same place. These people adopted the environment. After spending enough time, they started adapting to the environment.. Lets say, it took few months for them to get used to it.
While these few months passed, something was changing.. Though it was noticed but not stressed upon, something was changing..
All those creatures, those animals, those butterflies, that charm in the garden started to reduce. I guess, this was happening because the gardener did not pay enough attention. Far beyond this garden, another gardener and various other gardeners, were sowing seeds for a good harvest. These animals in the garden realised that there were other gardeners who could take care of them in a much better way. And slowly, one by one, they started moving out.
This trend continued for some more months. Those beautiful huge trees, which were bearing so many fruits, started to fade away. Those beautiful shrubs started to shrink. It was as though a curse fell upon the place. The trees that were giving shelter, soon were turning into Oak trees. The shrubs, started to wear out and slowly thorns, dry thorns came into picture. There was greenery, but it was customized only to certain sections of the garden.
As i said, some animals and other creatures in the garden moved out, the people who came in stayed back. They had only one intention. Irrespect to what happens in the garden, they were there to fulfill their purpose. Their very reason to exist. Because, the reason was a value that they could add for all the time they spent in the garden(unfortunately, it no longer was..) They united, though they already were, teir thought somehow had not resonated over a certain period of time. But as you know, whenever there occurs or certain period comes, which might question survival, like minded people unite. Sometimes, even those who are not of the same thinking unite too. Same thing happened here as well. All these people united to fight back, they had a cause. I say, they HAD a cause.
Various things were done. I guess, the world is in such a situation, that honesty never gets its true value. No matter how honest you are, how true you are to yourself, sometimes, rather say most of the times, it is not enough. I am of the kind that believes in giving honesty its very value at every step. Because, at the end of the day, when I look at myself, I should respect myself. So will others. And so were others in the garden who came along with me.
Al these people never changed. Many a turbulent situations came along. Many disturbing moments. Many frustrating situations. But they never deterred. As a matter of fact, they became stronger.
Wait a minute. I guess this began as the story about the garden, But its slowly telling us about the people who survived various tormenting situations. Was this the same garden which once tempted people to get in and be happy in it? Was it the same place that once saw various animals, birds, butterflies, a fountain of growth? Was this the same place which gave shelter and had a good gardener? Why did the garden change so much in such short time? Why did those few people never change and became stronger and are being respected so much?
Well, I guess the answer lies in TIME and the CHANGES it brought in. Only time can tell us what happens to the garden for the changes it is bringing in are vast, abrupt, disastrous. Most importantly, It is bringing in the best out of those few people. This is making them realise of what they are really capable of. Time will only unfold itself. All I can think of, as of now is, WAIT. Just wait. Wait to see the end as we have seen the BEGINNING OF THE END of a wonderful garden.....
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Tryst with destiny
There is this feeling in every human to know hw is the person whom ur love has fallen in love with. And i guess, its the same with me as well and that was the sole reason for me to talk to him and know him more and learn about the happening things in a much better way and thus help myself to get back to normal, as soon as possible. Hence, I decided to talk to him. I guess this blog is just to let u know that I did something very unsual unlike others. I wonder who would have spokent o a guy whom a gal loves - the gal whom u have been in love for 4+ years, and count still incrementing.. It was very unusual of me to do so. I was surprised by myself that I am set out to do such a thing. But there were two things that i achieved by doing so. Firstly, he was happy bout me. Secondly, she was happy about me. She is so lucky.. so lucky to have somone in her life who loves her so much.. and the best thing is that, even she loves him very much.
he loves her very much and is ready to go to any extent just to keep her happy. I am happy and glad that there is someone, who loves her more than what i do. he is the one that shyni wants to be with. Guess what, she giggles.. blushes.. yet does not accept it.. I know it might sound a bit strange, but i guess u got to knw this, I spoke to him, just to clarify his doubts.. just to ensure that there would be no more problems among the two of them, He used to feel that he interfered and had hurt me and al that senti thing.. but i cleared it al.. he now feels that I am serious, strong at heart and am funny. Now I am happy that both of them need not worry abt me. She should not worry that she is not giving me enuf attention or importance that i need and make him feel that she is doing it so. and he should not feel that I am the one who is making her delay in responing to him. Glad tht i hv rectified such possible things.
I may appear artificial at this moment for this is not what either of them expected me to do. May be either one of them would feel that I am trying to be hypocratic. But I definitly dont think so. I just wanted to know how much the person loves her.. How much, to what extent.. I guess, possibly, may be, hopefully, if nothing goeswrong, he is the person she would b happy with. Not that I dont want her to be with him. Its just that I dont know him yet. You never know.. I have been wrong most of the times. I guess this might just be another one.
Sometimes, when you truly love a person, to an extent that you can give up ur happiness for that person's happiness, its kinda very hard to let that person not be happy. I guess its the same with me as well. And I am getting used to this. Every passing second, minute or hour, day week or month, I will learn it to be done in a better way. I may mask the feeling of missing her in a much efficient way, compared to what I am doing now.
those dreams i dreamt of, those walks those talks, those arguements, those laughs, those cries, those moments of discussing abt the candle light dinner(which i now dnt see happening), those happy moments, those irritating n angry moments when u used to disconnect calls, those lenghty messages i used to send and ur simple "hm" replies, those moments with ur frens (whom i would probably interact on a very rare occassion), al those moments which i probably hv forgotten to mention it in here, will be missed, but treasured with utmost value, price for which, i would pay anytime... not sure when. But i would.
he loves her very much and is ready to go to any extent just to keep her happy. I am happy and glad that there is someone, who loves her more than what i do. he is the one that shyni wants to be with. Guess what, she giggles.. blushes.. yet does not accept it.. I know it might sound a bit strange, but i guess u got to knw this, I spoke to him, just to clarify his doubts.. just to ensure that there would be no more problems among the two of them, He used to feel that he interfered and had hurt me and al that senti thing.. but i cleared it al.. he now feels that I am serious, strong at heart and am funny. Now I am happy that both of them need not worry abt me. She should not worry that she is not giving me enuf attention or importance that i need and make him feel that she is doing it so. and he should not feel that I am the one who is making her delay in responing to him. Glad tht i hv rectified such possible things.
I may appear artificial at this moment for this is not what either of them expected me to do. May be either one of them would feel that I am trying to be hypocratic. But I definitly dont think so. I just wanted to know how much the person loves her.. How much, to what extent.. I guess, possibly, may be, hopefully, if nothing goeswrong, he is the person she would b happy with. Not that I dont want her to be with him. Its just that I dont know him yet. You never know.. I have been wrong most of the times. I guess this might just be another one.
Sometimes, when you truly love a person, to an extent that you can give up ur happiness for that person's happiness, its kinda very hard to let that person not be happy. I guess its the same with me as well. And I am getting used to this. Every passing second, minute or hour, day week or month, I will learn it to be done in a better way. I may mask the feeling of missing her in a much efficient way, compared to what I am doing now.
those dreams i dreamt of, those walks those talks, those arguements, those laughs, those cries, those moments of discussing abt the candle light dinner(which i now dnt see happening), those happy moments, those irritating n angry moments when u used to disconnect calls, those lenghty messages i used to send and ur simple "hm" replies, those moments with ur frens (whom i would probably interact on a very rare occassion), al those moments which i probably hv forgotten to mention it in here, will be missed, but treasured with utmost value, price for which, i would pay anytime... not sure when. But i would.
Thus making me numb
Wel ,
im back. back with another blog.. though there are more to come..
this time, its even more sensual a thing which bogs ma mind even more than my earlier blog.
feeling, friends, forgiveness... and than forgetting.
i guess few of the virtues of life which are misunderstood by al more than a million times..
but why do we have to misunderstand them a million times? why? Let me see what i think of it..
Feelings - very confusing thing.. u knw a person long enuf n u dnt hv feelings for that person.. you get to know a person and in short time you have immense feelings for that person.. ambiguous isnt it? but i guess, thats hw most of the humanitarian relations and minds work on.. a very wel taped process.. i guess monkeys had this in them.. our unfortunate ancestors..
Friends - th best jewels that a person can have. many people hv written many definitions on friends.. infact, there has been a tv show on relation among friends.. I guess, friends are the ones who make a person feel hw important they are in this world.. Moreover, its friends whom we can count on, in times of happiness n sorrows. friends n feelings go hand in hand, except for the fact that some imbibe in us, some we cherish about, some we cant live without and some cant just be enough..
Misunderstanding among friends for feeeling towards other friends - Hmmmmmm... interesting!!!! This my friends, has always been the main point of conversation whenever there comes a feeling that makes u feel special and get used to.. One thing that i do not understand is the fact that FEELINGS play in a person's life. I may love a gal, my best fren for so many years, cause for which again is feelings. But she loves someone else, cause for which is her feelings to that person..
Is this feeling mere an interpersonal attraction or a completely different phenomenon.. Is this feeling an attraction due to physical needs of one's mental and wordly desires or is it much more than that.. Is this feelings based on a 'by chance' luck or is this related to that mental resonance among two souls..
If a feeling between two very good friends keeps them good friends forever, its the best.. If a feeling divides two very good friends due to lack of improper understanding, who should be held responsible... Friends or the feelings? Friend's feeling can be respected coz she loves another person..
Like someone truly said, "You are 100 times better than the guy I love, but its a matter of feelings. I dont have any feelings for you. You can be my best friend..."
To be honest, I am confused.. how can there be so much of ambiguity, so much hazy picture and mirage everywhere.. I am sure that each one of you who would read this blog, would have undergone this stage in life, atleast once.. If not once, may be more than once..
Afteral, even I am a human being with some amount of emotional quotient, which may be on par with others, is high.. But it does make a difference..
The difference, which again boils down to different feelings.. These feelings, does not make me feel anymore.. Thus making me numb.....
im back. back with another blog.. though there are more to come..
this time, its even more sensual a thing which bogs ma mind even more than my earlier blog.
feeling, friends, forgiveness... and than forgetting.
i guess few of the virtues of life which are misunderstood by al more than a million times..
but why do we have to misunderstand them a million times? why? Let me see what i think of it..
Feelings - very confusing thing.. u knw a person long enuf n u dnt hv feelings for that person.. you get to know a person and in short time you have immense feelings for that person.. ambiguous isnt it? but i guess, thats hw most of the humanitarian relations and minds work on.. a very wel taped process.. i guess monkeys had this in them.. our unfortunate ancestors..
Friends - th best jewels that a person can have. many people hv written many definitions on friends.. infact, there has been a tv show on relation among friends.. I guess, friends are the ones who make a person feel hw important they are in this world.. Moreover, its friends whom we can count on, in times of happiness n sorrows. friends n feelings go hand in hand, except for the fact that some imbibe in us, some we cherish about, some we cant live without and some cant just be enough..
Misunderstanding among friends for feeeling towards other friends - Hmmmmmm... interesting!!!! This my friends, has always been the main point of conversation whenever there comes a feeling that makes u feel special and get used to.. One thing that i do not understand is the fact that FEELINGS play in a person's life. I may love a gal, my best fren for so many years, cause for which again is feelings. But she loves someone else, cause for which is her feelings to that person..
Is this feeling mere an interpersonal attraction or a completely different phenomenon.. Is this feeling an attraction due to physical needs of one's mental and wordly desires or is it much more than that.. Is this feelings based on a 'by chance' luck or is this related to that mental resonance among two souls..
If a feeling between two very good friends keeps them good friends forever, its the best.. If a feeling divides two very good friends due to lack of improper understanding, who should be held responsible... Friends or the feelings? Friend's feeling can be respected coz she loves another person..
Like someone truly said, "You are 100 times better than the guy I love, but its a matter of feelings. I dont have any feelings for you. You can be my best friend..."
To be honest, I am confused.. how can there be so much of ambiguity, so much hazy picture and mirage everywhere.. I am sure that each one of you who would read this blog, would have undergone this stage in life, atleast once.. If not once, may be more than once..
Afteral, even I am a human being with some amount of emotional quotient, which may be on par with others, is high.. But it does make a difference..
The difference, which again boils down to different feelings.. These feelings, does not make me feel anymore.. Thus making me numb.....
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