Friday, September 14, 2007

Rains.. Boon or Curse?

Nature.. All these days, it was giving fruits(rather say fulfilling wishes) in a very optimal way.. But off late, I think, Mother Nature has decided to show its wrath upon us.. in a very systematic and a very ruthless way..
What can be answered as miracle or prayers for the farmers, or may be those who have been experiencing sand dunes go haywire, i guess, it will not be taken in the same way by those who live in the concrete forests..

Look at the facts that Mother Nature has been letting us to deal with. Began with the great and consistent volcanoes in Hawaii islands.. Than came the disastrous Tsunami, which just made a mark or fear in every heart that lives in the costal region. Fear, wow, what a word. I guess, it is because of the very fact of a wish to live forever.
Than came the rains, with pains.. Back in biblical days(if at you know what I am talking about), God showed his wrath upon mankind for sins they had been doing and chose Noah as his man to protect few, who were righteous. But who would be that Noah in this modern world? Not me. People in cheerapunji are used to have a life in rain. But was mumbai used to it? No. Mumbai paid the price for it, and gave in to the wrath of nature. Same thing was expected to occur again. But this time, not sure where it was going to hit.

Garden city, IT city, Silicon Valley, City of excellent night life, on and on and on and on..... Hold on. These aint names / phrases from a novel or some boring auto bipgraphies. These are so called synonyms of Bangalore. I guess the next list to show some fury by Mother Nature. Every bangalorean experienced it.

The day was 13th September 2007. viz 13/09/2007.. I wsa having a very nice chat with a very good fren of mine and I happened to understand her..(achievement.. a guy finally understood a gal!!!!!) and I told her that it wil rain tonight.. Oh boy, it did.. We began seeing cats n dogs falling from the sky. Later, I guess, elephants up there decided to fall down as well. Was it a boon or a curse? wel,, Its upto your discretion to figure that out. This has been the unique nature of a Homo Sapien. If u get something, you crib, You get more of it, you crib. If you dont get what you want, you crib. Crib, Crib and Crib. If it does not rain, crib. If it rains crib. If days n nights are very hot, crib, if days n nights are cool, crib. Its just the mindset to crib.
Bangalore experienced water clogging every where. Be it highways, be it streets, be it houses, or shops. Walls collapsed, land slided. Rain just cripplied bangalore over the night. It was literally night mare for everyone. Sitting on the backseat of vehicle on my way back home, I notieced an expression of dissapoint on every one's face.

Those who wanted to get wet, get drenched in rain, went ahead. Dogs were swimming and people were gathered under various forms of shelter. What usualy takes 30 mins journey, took an astounding 3 hours, in order to reach home from work.
There is one thing that made bangaloreans realise. Bangalore may have so much of money, so much of talent, but it is definitely not prepared for nature's ruthless calamities.. It definitely is not.

1 comment:

Ein Flieger said...

yeah i agree..there has always been natural calamaties all around the world, somewhere or the other,even bangalore has been thru so many angry moments from mother nature,but as someone said " change is the only constant thing in this world" in so many years what has changed? if u look at bangalore closely,u will notice that its the attitude of the people. namma bengalooru is wat everyone says but when the very same bangalore suffered, everyone rushed into their houses hoping that they r safe and some praying to god to take care of the situation and some cursing the govt. hardly few came out and said "let me help these people who r suffering". it took unusually 2 hours for u to get back home,in that two hours how many suffering people did u come across and how many did u help?u would think y the heck should i ? remember this is exactly wat others also thought, thats y u saw so many people suffering on the road, thats y v have communal riots, thats y v see indo-pak war, thats y v r still considered as developing nation even though v r the most intellects among other, keep posting. its good to read these things wat u write.. :)