Monday, September 17, 2007

15 September 2007

Today began in a very unique way. Got up at a unique time. Thanks to loud and annoying music which was being played due to the festival.

Festival, i wonder who invented them, strange recreation time for every soul. Strange myths, strange rituals, strange clothes, every thing strange. I am glad that i do not believe in god. I dont have to be part of these mind bogging stuff.

I choose to meet a fren of mine, accompanied with another common fren. Though we had planned to meet at 2pm, i reached the place at 1pm. I just wanted to get rid of the place where there was too much of noise.

I went to Coffee Day. It was very much deserted at 1pm. I was not surprised. I mean, who would come to a coffee day on saturday afternoon at 1pm? The people were kinda shocked to see me there, may be they were not expecting anyone at that time. I was craving for something really motivating and something that would set a kinda tone and rythm for the day ahead. I was kinda hard to figure out what i needed and as I was already craving for something strong, I chose Irish coffee.. It tasted different this time. Along with my pack of cigs, and the cup of coffee, I spent an hour on cal with my fren..

And finally when the ladies arrived, as always, they can never be punctual (a personality trait from the planet Venus!!!). They came at 1430. We had chosen Sigma Mall, Cunningham road to spend time. It was kinda nice place, I guess, no one is aware of the mall, unlike the Forum or the Garuda mall.

To be what i always am is normal. But to pretend who I am not, is very difficult thing to do. Especially, when the one you loved is sitting across the table and you just cannot take your eyes off her. I know what I was going through. I chose not to vent my emotions out, for they had no value anymore. It is at this time I realised a new facet to my personality. I had the ability to resent my own emotions. I could have told my own feelings, But i hate that word. Feeling. What a stupid word that is, I just hate it.

We were there for a long time, for the place was calm, serene and good. No crowd, no worries. We spoke about so many things, starting from career, office, personal life, future plans, clothes, movies, and than the gal took out a bunch of papers, stapled together. That was a photo copy of few pages from the book Love signs from Linda Goodman. I was the scapegoat at that moment. They started reading about Piscean Man.

This just set the rythm for future conversations and jigsaw puzzle just started to fall in place. I was wondering as to how can someone analyse and write about the personality traits of various zodiac signs. It was whopping 99.99% true. Now that surprised me. We had a lot of arguements, debate was going on. I t was literal fun.

So many things happened and the final moment came when i had to say good bye, the difficult one. But, we had a life to live on, and things just pass on. Day ended on a fine note, but evening was there to be taken care off. I have somehow managed to do that. Hoping that week ahead would be a great one.

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